Sunday, June 28, 2009
Marjorie Ellen (Rowe) Doyle Obituary
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
July 6 – 10, 2009
Monday - Friday10:45 a.m. & repeated at 3:45 p.m.
(unless indicated otherwise)
He Speaks Peace
Wanda J. Johnson, M.Sc., CCC
Marital & Family Therapist
We will explore the healing power of Jesus as “He Speaks Peace” and healing to hurting hearts. Discover tools for healing and discuss the differences between the needs of men and women, and how to meet those needs. By looking at Biblical examples of how the patriarchs gave a blessing and how those blessings empowered their children, we will also learn how we can give blessings to one another. When we learn how to give a blessing, it will dramatically change our lives and the lives of those we love.
Good Grief
(continuous-no repeat)
Alvin & Elizabeth Kurtz
Trained at the institute for Death & Dying in Boston, MA, and was mentored by Larry Yeagley
An interactive seminar to help YOU cope and empower you to help others who grieve. Train yourself to conduct a Grief Recovery Seminar in your community. Learn about the residual effect of multiple life losses / families in grief / normal and abnormal grief / and much more.
Sabbath School Training
Samuel Thomas, Jr
Director of Marketing for Message Magazine and Facilitator of Special Projects for the Review & Herald Publishing
Sermon Building For Lay People
Pastor Steve Reasor
Youth Pastor,
College Heights Church
Writing a sermon can be a lot like building a house, both require sufficient tools, time, and ability, and can be rather daunting tasks. Both also offer great rewards: one gives you a house, the other presents the story of Jesus Christ to a dying world. This seminar will present a process for building Bible-based sermons from foundation to finishing, and help lay people develop skills and tolls for preaching.
Share Him Evangelism Boot Camp
Pastor Larry Hall
(Ministerial Director, Alberta)
Pastor John Gilbert
(Warburg/Wetaskiwin District)
Learn the basics of successful reaping evangelism strategy and how to preach your very own PowerPoint sermons. You will learn how to preach a full evangelistic series.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fort McMurray Church Prophecy Seminar Results in Two More Baptisms
This comes as a result of another prophecy seminar. The Fort McMurray church has conducted nine prophecy seminars over the past 28 months with approximately 19 accessions and more baptisms being planned. There are also other seminar interests attending church each Sabbath. The church is beginning to reach capacity attendance and plans are in the works for renovations and expansion.
Praise the Lord for the Great Commission!
Pastor Darrell Beaudoin (shown on left in photo)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
MORNING MANNA AT 7:00 A.M. SABBATH, JULY 4 - SABBATH, JULY 11 will be presented by the newest pastors in Alberta since last camp meeting:
4 - Pastor Ron Henderson, Lacombe Community / Mirror District
5 - Pastor Peter Ford, Maskwachees (Hobbema) / Bentley District
6 - Pastor Eric Koester, Peace River / Morning Star / Fairview District
7 - Pastor Julio Morales, Three Spanish churches in Edmonton
8 - Pastor Jim Davis, Edson / Peers / Whitecourt
9 - Pastor Adam Hendron, Beiseker Level Land / Strathmore
10 - Pastor Ian Bramble, Edmonton South Youth Pastor & Assistant
11 - Pastor Virgil Covel, Medicine Hat / Brooks
Come begin your day with the Word of God!
Peers SDA Company Presents a Booth at Family Barbecue
At the Yellowhead County Family Barbecue June 13 2009.
The Peers Seventh-day Adventist Company was pleased to have a display booth at the Yellowhead County Family Barbecue and trade show on June 13 2009. The event was held at the McLeod Valley Recreation Grounds.
Our church showcased a healthy lifestyle. We had many people stop by the booth to sample the Quinoa Salad and a Walnut Spread, all foods that are great for heart health.
We gave out two door prizes. Sarah Leach of the Yellowhead County won the cookbook and health DVD; Lindsay Kuilboer won the prize for children 10 years and under; she won two activity/story books.
We had a great crowd at the booth with lots of interest in the food sampling.
The Family Barbecue was a great event for our church to participate in and be visible in the community. We met many wonderful people and our bible workers Egbert and Keishauni George were able to link up with people interested in bible study.
Submitted by Dolores Fletcher
Peers Seventh-day Adventist Company
Phone: 780-795-2162
Yellowknife Celebrates Four Baptisms
(April 4, 2009) 2009 is the Yellowknife church’s year of preparing for rain. As the farmer prepares the field and plants the seed in faith so they would prepare themselves, their ministries, and their plans and wait on God to bring the rain. On January 31, 2009 the Yellowknife Seventh-day Adventist Church reclaimed their baptismal tank. After sitting dormant for almost two years it had become a great place to store things. No longer. As the church members gathered around the tank they prayed for a blessing and they prayed their commitment to faithfully fill the tank the first Sabbath of each month. In faith, they knew that God would fill the tank with people who have fallen in love with Him. On April 4, God’s kingdom grew as the Yellowknife Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated the baptism of four youth - Shenel Cruz, Tristha Cruz, Advent Cruz, and Terrence Abalos. Pastor Brad Dahr had the honour of baptizing Terrence but he invited ordained elder Noel Cruz to baptize his children. Shenel, Tristha, Advent, and Terrence were active participants during the Amazing Adventure children’s evangelism series led by members Sheila and Noel Cruz. It was a powerful moment when the four youth came out in baptismal robes and led the congregation in singing “The River.” All four youth are active in ministry, participating enthusiastically in Sabbath School class, during worship, and in our children’s ukulele band that visits the seniors center twice a month. Shenel and Tristha are crew leaders in the church’s VBS that starts June 29.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
NURSERY / CRADLE ROLL – Birth-3 yrs; Leader, Darla Hughes
Sunday: 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Sabbaths: 9:30–10:30 a.m. & 4:00–5:00 p.m.
Monday–Friday: 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. & 3:30–4:30 p.m.
KINDERGARTEN – 4-6 yrs; Leader, Jeanette Davis
Every evening (incl 1st Fri): 7:30–8:30 p.m.
Sabbaths: 9:15 a.m.–noon
Monday–Friday: 10:00 a.m.–noon
Monday–Friday Activities: 1:30-5:00 p.m.
PRIMARY – 7-9 yrs; Leaders, Michelle Northam
Every evening (incl 1st Fri): 7:30–9:00 p.m.
Sabbaths: 9:15 a.m.–noon / Sunday–Friday: 9:30 a.m.–noon
Monday–Friday Activities: Announced daily
JUNIOR – 10-12 yrs; Leaders, Pastor Peter Ford
Every evening (incl 1st Fri): 7:30–9:00 p.m.
Sabbaths: 9:15 a.m.–noon / Sunday–Friday: 9:15–noon
Monday–Friday Activities: 1:30–5:00 p.m.
EARLITEEN – 12-15 yrs; Leader, Pastor Moises Ruiz
Location – Earliteen Tent near camp entrance
Every evening (incl 1st Fri): 7:30–9:00 p.m.
Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m.–noon
Monday–Friday: 10:30–12 noon
Monday–Friday Activities: 1:30–5:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Sally Streib
YOUTH – 16-18 yrs; Leader, Pastor Brad Dahr
Location – Youth Tent near camp entrance
Every evening (incl 1st Fri): 7:00–9:00 p.m. & Afterglow 9:30–11:00 p.m.
Sabbaths: 9:45 a.m.–noon
Monday–Friday: 9:30 a.m.–noon
Monday–Friday Activities: 1:00–5:00 p.m.
Philip Baptiste, Guest Speaker, Youth
James Black, Guest Speaker, Youth
COLLEGIATE – College students; Pastor Virgil Covel; Leader: Landon Sayler
Location – Heritage Church
Friday & Sabbath evenings: 7:30 p.m.
Sabbaths: Sabbath School - 9:30 a.m.; Church - 10:50 a.m.
Sunday: to be announced
YOUNG ADULT – 19-30 yrs
Leaders: Pastors Honey Todd & Felix Richter
Location – Lodge Lower Auditorium
Every evening (incl 1st Fri): 7:30 p.m.
Sabbaths: Sabbath School – 9:30 a.m; Church - 10:50 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Herb Montgomery
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Native Camp Meeting at Foothills
During the weekend of June 5-7 over 100 people gathered at Foothills Camp near Bowden for the 2009 Native Camp Meeting. Those who attended came from throughout Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. Music was an important part of the weekend with many heartfelt songs provided as part of the testimony offered by those present. A guest musical group from Tennessee came for the weekend and shared their musical talent.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
- Concert in the Park, first Sabbath afternoon
- Sabbath School at 9 a.m. presented by our K-12 schools
- Nightly Mini-Concerts at 6:45 p.m.
- ABC Book Sale, Sunday at 2 p.m.
- Annual International Food Fair, Sunday at 4 p.m.
Maurice Valentine II
Director, Ministerial Department and the Center for Church Life and Growth, Mid-America Union, Lincoln, NE
Pastor Valentine's passion is to restore mission as the base of all activities individually and corporately in today's church. He has received two certifications in congregational revitalization and has 20 years of experience in leading churches and coaching pastors through strategic leadership and planning.
He and his wife, Sharon, are blessed with two sons, Maruice III and Maucus; and a daughter,Mausharie, who are all pursuing Adventist undergraduate and academic level Adventist educations in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Yellowknife Baptism
Pastor Brad Dahr
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Fire Blazing in the West
The West Edmonton Seventh-day Adventist Church held a week of prayer like they have never experienced before. For one week, March 14 – 21, 2009, Pastor J. Amankwah unleashed the “Secret of Elijah’s Power” from 1 Kings 17 and 18. The week opened with the identification of roadblocks to revival, which are: following the leader’s faith, neglecting the strongholds; surrendering of the sacred things, and ignoring the call to repentance. We confirmed that Jehovah was the source of Elijah’s strength and that same strength is available to us today. Three lessons that Elijah learned at the University of the Drying Brook were that God’s servants must take one step at a time, they must strive to trust God absolutely, and they are called to sit by the drying brook and wait on the Lord. We were reminded that change is scary but when God tells us to move we need to move. Change comes into our lives for our own betterment. God’s plans demand our implicit obedience. We must “trust and obey for there is no other way.” God allows us to go through stuff in our lives so that we can appreciate the good gifts that only He offers. We should receive whatever God gives us with thanksgiving. But we have to take a step of faith first, before we can get the blessing. We need to be willing and respond to God’s call. God was preparing Elijah for something special. He prepares us bit by bit, moving us to a higher level while building us in our daily lives.
An anointing service was held on Friday night with a special focus on the youth. On Wednesday night prayers went up for the youth to attend the Friday night service. God answered the prayers and youth who had been absent from church for a while were in attendance. All of the young people were anointed and prayed for. What a powerful experience that was.
The week concluded with a focus on Elijah’s prayer, which was based on the promises of God. We need to apply the promises to our lives if they are going to be effective. The promises of God are like an open cheque that we sit on and don’t cash. Elijah’s prayer was definite. We need to learn how to be specific in our prayer as sometimes we miss the mark. Elijah’s prayer was earnest. When we pray we must believe that we have what we are in need of. That is expectant faith. Are you praying for something and you feel like your prayers are in vain? Don’t give up because God is not finished yet. We need to pray until something happens believing that it will. Elijah was an ordinary person like you and I, and God used him. With your willing heart there is no telling what you can do for God. Why not try Him today?
Sharon Long (Brown)
Communication coordinator
West Edmonton SDA Church
Lois Lillian Suiter Obituary
Rimbey Baptism
At the end of the Rimbey fall prophecy seminar, Darrell and Debbie Hamonic were baptized on April 18, 2009. Darrell and Debbie first walked into the Rimbey church one day in 2008 after a two year journey of Bible study and letting the Lord lead in their lives. They were drawn in by the warm and loving fellowship of the Rimbey church members and have been returning the blessings ever since.
Pastor David Beaudoin
Kostrosky-Wareham Wedding
Lacombe Community Church Baptism
Mamawi Atosketan Native School Open House
Mamawi Atosketan Native School
The annual Open House at Mamawi took place on May 1 and 2. The Friday program featured the talents of many of the students at the school and was attended by family and friends. It was an excellent opportunity for guests to capture some of the color and culture of the community which the school serves. Principal Julie Bancarz and her staff have created a wonderful atmosphere for learning at the school which is the largest school operated by the Alberta Conference with over 170 students. This year has been blessed with the additional ministry of Pastor Peter Ford and his vision for the Church's presence in the Hobbema community.
On Sabbath afternoon a large group of friends of Mamawi gathered for a variety of presentations which provided insight into the ministry and purpose of the school. Alberta Conference President Mark Johnson had the afternoon message. He spoke of the need for a continuing and expanded ministry in the Native community which will encourage men and women to journey toward Christ's Kingdom.
The Sabbath program ended with a delightful dinner for those who attended.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ryley Winter Festival 2009 – Men For God
Pastor Bill Olson
On Friday evening, January 30, 2009, after a wonderful sunny day of above 0°C temperatures, the week was drawing to a close with an absolutely gorgeous sunset. We had just endured a lengthy and long cold snap! The sun was setting with red, pink, orange, and yellow displayed towards the west. This memorable and breath taking sunset was to be the beginning of a very special Sabbath and weekend…The 19th Ryley Winter Festival.
Many thanks to all that participated and helped to make this event such a success. There is always so much to do for such an event to take place and it could not happen without you all!! Thank you!!!
Irma Victoria (Schaber) Clarke Obituary
Irma was born on December 23, 1927 in Rockyford, Alberta and passed to her rest in Jesus on March 23, 2009 at Stettler, Alberta.
She is survived by her loving husband, Allen Clarke, of Stettler; step-children Henrietta Clarke (Bob Watson) of Mexico, Margaret Clindon of Camrose, Daniel (Dianna) Clarke of Calgary, Charles Clarke of Edmonton, and Harold (Linda) Clarke of Leduc. Nine grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; brothers Ralph Schaber and Lyle Schaber; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and many very dear friends.
Warren Kay
Pastor of the Stettler Church
Garden Road Church 7th Anniversary
March 28, 2009, was a high day of celebration for the Garden Road church members and guests, as they celebrated their “Victory in Jesus” 7th Anniversary at their present location on the outer limits of the city of Calgary, to the east on Hwy 1.