Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Outreach into the Community of Peers

The Good Samaritan Skit with Audrey and Hellar at Kid's Club
Craft Time at Kid's Club
The month of October 2009 Peers Company conducted a Kid Club for children in the community. The first four Sabbath afternoons in October had the members putting on skits, crafts, and Bible story plays for the children. We had six children attend from the community who expressed the wish for us to do it again next year. It was a fun time and a lot of hard work getting each program together but it really helped to showcase the church in the community. A special thanks to our Bible workers Egbert and Keishauni George for masterminding the plays and creating fantastic props. The members acted in the plays so well! We were all surprised at the talent we have in our midst. The theme of the program was "Kids Under Construction" and each play focused on issues children face each day such as bulling and lack of self esteem.

The last Sabbath in October saw the Peers group ministering at a seniors lodge in Evansburg. This is now a monthly ministry for our church. The group puts on a musical program and short sermonette followed up by visiting with the residents.

We even had a very special couple from Sherwood Park church visiting us in October and presented our church with some much appreciated DVDs and books for our library. They wish to remain anonymous so no names will be given but a big thank you to them anyway.

Delores Fletcher

Parkview Adventist Academy Supports Camp Whitesand Project

When the message came from Saskatchewan that help was needed for Camp Whitesand, 17 super-talented dismantling specialists from Parkview Adventist Academy responded to the call and left early one Sunday morning. These demolition experts worked for three days ripping siding off countless cabins. It was Alex Raney's delicious meals that kept this troop going. Everyone raved about the great food. Someone obviously knew how to keep a bunch of teenagers happy!

Hundreds of square feet of TyVek were placed on the cabin walls as well as new soffits. However, the removal of the siding seemed to be the most fun. It also supplied the team with great material for one BIG bonfire. They had to pick a time when it wasn't too windy to light the giant pile of old scraps and wood. What fun everyone had around the bonfire, telling stories and roasting marshmallows! All in all, it was a great three-day experience for these volunteers. It was another example of PAA students being "willing to serve." This is the theme for PAA for the next few years. So far this year, students have cleaned up the shorelines of Gull Lake and beautified Camp Whitesand.

On the way home from this excursion, one of the students thoughtfully said, "Funny how hard work makes you feel so good, even when you don't get paid." The youth enrolled at PAA are truly learning what service is all about.
Landon Ritchey

College Heights Church 100th Anniversary

Keith Leavitt participated during Sabbath School
Remember. Rejoice. Renew. Those are the words emblazoned on the logo created for the 100th anniversary of the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church. And during the weekend of October 16 and 17, 2009, that’s what the church family did.
The Friday evening Vespers Service, planned by Ron Sydenham, featured video testimonies from students and audience participation about the past and present. Led by Joy Fehr, the congregation realized that the spirit of commitment and service which characterized the pioneers still animates the church today. Centennial calendars,created by Brian Leavitt and Edith Fitch, and designed by Jr Ferrer, were distributed after the program. An enthusiastic Afterglow, led by Campus Ministries, completed the evening.

Sabbath was packed with activities. Don Corkum, pastor from 1982 to 1984, shared his beliefs on “An Enduring Faith” in the first worship service; Steve Little, chaplain from 1994 to 1999, spoke about “The Case of the Missing Legs” in the second service. The PAA/CUC Choral Union and the musical group “Rise Above” added to the joy of the day. At each worship service, the congregation participated in an act of renewal: they remembered the past, rejoiced in the present and pledged that “On this centennial Sabbath, we, the people of this church and congregation, consecrate ourselves anew to the cause and service of God.” Belinda Bader and the Worship Committee planned the church services.

During Sabbath School, a play, written by Denise Herr, reviewed the founding of the church, the building of the present sanctuary, and the involvement of the congregation in service. Frank Hippach (Keith Clouten) and Lawrence Morgenson (Larry Herr) revisited some of the challenges of choosing the first slate of church officers; Kelvin Hill, Lew Fleck, Arvin McCarty, and Reuben Lorenson harmonized as they urged the congregation to “Come, let us build on the Hilltop”; Ken Kendall, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Lacombe, spoke about how the work of the church has touched the community; and children from the Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior Divisions reminded us that “the church is not a building…the church is the people!”

A potluck at the CUC Physical Education Complex, planned by Edith Fitch and her committee, proved to be a feast for the eyes (Marj Dubuc’s creative centerpieces and Cleo Foreman’s white aprons for the servers), for the body (Shepherd’s pie, salads, and a plethora of pies), and for the soul (time to reconnect with friends and to talk about how God has led us).

Some people lingered over the meal, while others left to participate on the history walk, beginning at one of the first hilltop meeting places—the Chapel. There people remembered what the building looked like and enjoyed a play, “Tonsillectomy Days,” presented by the Parkland Pathfinders. The next stop was the John McKibbin Education Centre, formerly the auditorium. Herb Kennedy recalled what it was like to play and worship in the same building. In the church, Wilford Tetz shared memories and pictures of building the sanctuary. Afterwards, many people participated in an “organ crawl” led by Wendy Markosky and Cari Astleford.

The Evensong program, “Ten Decades of Music,” was planned by Brian Leavitt. In 80 minutes, the congregation reviewed the history of the hilltop church and schools through the medium of music. Alma Reimche reenacted the contributions of Mrs. O.W. Reinmuth, CJC piano teacher; the Men of Faith recalled the College Heights Heritage Plays with their “Smoking and Chewing Song”; Phillip Jeffrey’s solo made many people think of Bill McQuary’s moving rendition of “Were You There?”; the Heritage Singers revisited brought a blessing; Reuben Lorenson’s portrayal of Eric B. Hare brought back fond memories; and Gem Fitch’s Centennial Hymn, “Praise to Thee, O Great Jehovah,” inspired members of the congregation to renew their vision and to “face the future, rich in hope, through endless years.”

The celebration continued into the evening with an Old Fashioned Saturday Night Social, planned by Keith Clouten and his committee. A light supper and birthday cake were followed by a number of games featuring balloons, buckets, and umbrellas. The evening—and the centennial celebration—concluded with a Grand March.
May the spirit of remembering, renewing, and rejoicing be ever in our hearts.
Julie Grovet, Communications Secretary