Thursday, July 30, 2009
Stony Plain Trade Fair Hosts Parkland Church Booth
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Camrose Baptism
Esther was welcomed into full membership in the Camrose Church on Sabbath July 25.
Pastor Bob Burke
Sedgewick Baptisms
On Sabbath, June 20, the Sedgewick Seventh-day Adventist Church came together to celebrate the baptisms of five of their young people. Ethan Bownes, Jordan Bownes, Emma Amundson, Bradley Grovet and Brayden Grovet all made a public declaration of their decision to follow Jesus Christ through baptism and to become members of the Sedgewick congregation.
After studying with Debi Anderson for 21 weeks these young people all decided they wanted to be baptized together. Debi also arranged for each of the Sedgewick elders and the pastor to come and present at least one of the study topics each.
Pastor Bob Burke had the privilege of performing the baptisms of each one of these precious young souls. Pastor Burke shared a message entitled “The Family of God” taken from Galatians 3:26-29.
The service was followed by a potluck and fellowship.
Pastor Bob Burke
News Clippings . . .
- Over 180 individuals have been baptized this year in the Alberta Conference. There have been quite a few evangelistic meetings throughout the conference with many more scheduled this summer and fall.
- Ordination to the gospel ministry took place for four Alberta pastors on the final Sabbath of the Alberta Camp Meeting. Pastors Julio Morales, James Rooney, Dario St. Louis, and David Streifling were consecrated following a message presented by Nilton Amorim, Executive Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada.
- Calagary Metro Filipino Church celebrated their first anniversary on Sabbath, July 25. They were joined by Pastors Mark Johnson and Romulo Daquila from the Alberta Conference. Many guests were present for the special services.
- Iglesia Adventista Maranatha Calgary (Calgary Maranatha Spanish Company) streams live video of the worship services each Sabbath. As high as two dozen persons at a time have joined the services online.
- Approximately 220 Pathfinders from Alberta will travel to Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the International Pathfinder Camporee held there this August. They will join over 35,000 other Pathfinders from around the world for this special event.
- Three Master Guides and six Pathfinder Leadership Awards for continuing education in Pathfinder Leadership were granted at an investiture at camp meeting this year. Special guest, James Black, North American Youth Leader, was present for the investiture.
- The first ever Sudanese evangelistic meeting in Canada held for Sudanese by Sudenese was held in Calgary during June. Five persons were baptized and additional followup is underway. Lay evangelists used Share Him materials on their computers to conduct these meetings.
- Prairie Adventist Christian eSchool (PACeS) is an Alberta Government approved eSchool where students access Adventist education through high speed Internet. K-12 instruction is available online with teachers and classmates. For further information, contact Janet Hall at 403-342-5044 xt 200,, or check our website at
- Sherwood Park Care Center will celebrate its 40th anniversary of serving the community on September 26, 2009. The Center is an important ministry of the church in touching people's lives in a time of need. Watch for upcoming details of the weekend celebration.
- Neil Nedley's presentations are available on DVD as an exciting trial run from Camp Meeting 2009. They will be available at the end of August and will cost $8 per DVD. Contact Irma at 403-342-5044 xt 232 or
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Logo for Yellowknife SDA Church
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Upcoming Events . . .
An invitation is extended to all to come and join in the annual camp meeting being held at Lakeview Hall, Canadian University College, in Lacombe, August 5-9, 2009. Meetings begin at 8 p.m. on Wednesday until Sunday at noon. It's a time for fellowship, seminars, prayer, as well as uplifting music. This year Pastor Markheavens Tshuma (Texas), Dr. George Dzimiri (California), Pastor Ian Hartley (Red Deer), Pastor J.S.D. Maphosa (Zimbabwe), as keynote speakers. More speakers for youth and children. To provide you with more details on fees, room, and registration, call or email Tabitha Phiri at 403-782-1680 or In Edmonton, call Japheth Ndhlovu at 780-760-1057. In Calgary, call Paul Sibanda at 403-697-0138.
- What to Bring: Bring a story to share of someone you know who has been healed by God or someone you would like us to pray for God's healing.
- Bible, tent or sleeping unit, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, towel, tarp, pots, dishes, utensils, wash pan and dish detergent, tea towel for drying. Bug spray, bathing suit, sun protection lotion, beach towel or mat, folding chair, good walking shoes.
- Food for the weekend. This year there will not be hotdogs and corn roast but instead having a potluck for both Sabbath lunch and supper.
Come and join with believers all over
For cabin and food reservations please contact Ben Barboza at 780-988-5117 or
Alberta Clergy Study Tour to Israel - February 4-11, 2010
All pastors and their spouses are invited to join in a study tour. A full non-refundable payment is due by September 9, 2009. For more information and to fill out the registration forms, go to the website and click on Alberta Clergy Study Tour to Israel 1 and 2.
Sherwood Park Special "Deaf Reach" Weekend
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Grande Prairie Lighthouse SDA Company Forms
Monday, July 20, 2009
Pastor Darrell Beaudoin Evangelizes Grande Prairie
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Conference Office Staff Changes
Konstantine Neikours is now in the Conference office as school accountant and local church auditor. He is a recent graduate of Canadian University College and has been employed since May 1, 2009. We welcome him to our office staff. Through the next year you may have had, or will have, the opportunity to meet and work with him in his new appointment.